Sorry we're blushing a bit.
Thanks for sharing every moment with us. Our players and their families are the heart and soul of our basketball club.
I want to thank you for your time and effort in coaching not just "M’s" team but the other "St. M’s" team as well. You clearly have a passion for coaching. Your willingness to volunteer your time to help these boys is commendable.
Over the past decade I’ve been to countless youth sporting events (both as a coach and a parent-spectator) and you can tell rather quickly whether a coach has the right attitude and approach. You clearly have both. You provide intense and challenging instruction (as I mentioned at one of the earlier practices.)
I played Division 1 college basketball ball and you run one of the best practices I’ve ever seen that really pushes the boys to excel without losing sight of the fact that they are still young kids looking to have some fun. Your approach is greatly appreciated in an era of third grade AAU teams and 8-year old travel baseball squads dominated by misguided coaches.
I know "M" has benefited greatly from playing at "St. M" this year. He clearly has an enthusiasm for the game that I hope continues into the offseason.
Good luck with the playoffs and we hope to see you at the party.
Coach Mike,
I could not take my eyes off the practice and am still blown away by your coaching techniques and the speed of the game. "J" and I are very excited "C" is on the team and believe he will learn a great deal from you.
Like I said last night, "C" can be shy and timid when he does not really know anyone, but once the games start they will get to know each other a little better and see "C's" competitive side.
Thanks for believing in him and we hope he will be a great addition to the team.
Take care,
Hello Coach Mike,
I just want to take this opportunity to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the training/coaching/guidance you have provided for "K" for the past 3-4 months.
"K" learned immensely in the past few weeks, all thanks to your dedication and commitment working to make each one on the team better.
"K" has been playing basketball for the past 4-5 years and played for many coaches, but the amount of respect he has for you is no match to anything in the past.
Thanking you one million times.
This season has been a blessing for "K" to have been coached by you and assistant coach "M."
"K" had a great transition season, truly learning about the game and how to play beyond house.
We will be looking forward to join back up later this year for training.
See at practice and looking forward to two great games this weekend.
Thanks again and God Bless,
Coach you're one of the main reasons "C" is able to compete for a County-Travel spot this season.
All the kids that are coming from your AAU team (C, E, JT, M) are playing on a different level than most of their age group at tryouts. I suspect that it's much of the same at your tryouts too.
It's hard to notice when you're close to the action, but I hope you can step back and appreciate what you have accomplished as a coach.
You've had a hand in creating a great group of basketball players.
Thanks for coaching "J" this winter. All the kids improved tremendously and I had a great time (and learned quite a bit myself).
The fact that just about everyone tried out for your AAU team speaks volumes for you as a coach. Thank you so much for working with me to get our teams together. I shudder to think what we would have looked like standing on our own.
Like I said, we're thrilled to have "J" on your AAU team. You probably need my help coaching like a fish needs a bicycle, but if I can be of any help along the way, please let me know.
It was a great season, and thank you SO much for having an open ear and an open mind back in October (has it really been five months???).
I think back to the first few practices with the boys trying to do Fire and even Argentina. Man, did I think we were in for a loooong season.
It was a great ride.
This note is long overdue, but I wanted to let you know how much I appreciate the job you guys did coaching the boys this year.
I remember the first couple of practices and how bad the boys looked running drills. The drills are complicated and I thought they'd never be able to execute them. Within a couple of weeks they had gotten significantly better.
On a personal note, I was thrilled that "B" finally got an opportunity to work with coaches that actually know basketball. He grew so much in basketball IQ from where he was at the beginning of the season. He was motivated by you and put in a lot of hard work on his own. He would love to play for you again in the future!!!
"A," thanks for keeping us in sync with schedules and reminders in addition to keeping the books. "B" had never played on a team that kept stats before and he took a lot of pride in his rebounding.
"J" had a great time playing with the Jets and learned so much from Mike’s coaching. He really grew as a player.
Thanks so much for giving him the opportunity. We will most likely see you on the court, one way or another! .